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Displaying 1-12 of 12 agents.

  • Amo Witness in REG 4
  • Andrad Witness in REG 4; NeG 'Andarǣdiz'
  • Angilbald Witness in REG 4
  • Aso Witness in REG 4; according to NeG ID with namesake in PAS 9
  • Ellenhart* Witness in REG 4
  • Farut* Witness in REG 4
  • Gudbert Witness in REG 4
  • Leodro* Witness in REG 4; check for possible ID with agent 2073 (NeG: P7845); standardised name in NeG 'Leudihrōkaz'
  • Machelm Granter in MON 1 & 4; probable ID with namesake in FRE 74; REG 4; PAS 6, 9 & 10
  • Magilo Witness in REG 4; check for possible ID with agent 2096
  • Reginolf Witness in MON 1; to be identified with his namesake in FRE 13b, 14a, 34, 35, PAS 6, 9, and REG 4; editor of MON 33 mentions without comment that Zöllner considers the witness in MON 1 to be the same person as the grantor in MON 33; editor of MON 85 points without further comment to namesakes in MON 1 & 33, and mentions that Mitis would consider the cleric in MON 85 to be identical with a further namesake, a priest, in PAS 71
  • Wigbod Witness in REG 4



  • Male person
  • Female person
  • Person of unknown sex
  • Group of male people
  • Group of female people
  • Group of mixed people
  • Group of people of unknown sex
  • Institution