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Displaying 1-10 of 10 agents.

  • Aderis Notary, scribe in CDL 4a:24, 25, 27, 33, and in CDL 5:93
  • Alefrid Scribe in CDL 4a:37
  • Auduin Scribe in CDL 4a:28
  • Bonifrid Notary, acting as Dictator in FAR 2:171
  • Dagarinus Gastald <of Rieti>, dictator in CDL 4a:26 (and others). Judicial authority in CDL 4a:29. Scribe in CDL 4a:30. Oath-swearer in CDL 4a:35. Variants: Dagarius; Dagari
  • Luciarius Scribe in CDL 4a:22
  • Stabilis* Notary, witness in FAR 2:171
  • Teudelapus Notary, scribe in CDL 4a:26
  • Totemannus Notary, acting as scribe in CDL 5:90 and CDL 4a:35
  • Ursinianus Notary, scribe in FAR 2:171



  • Male person
  • Female person
  • Person of unknown sex
  • Group of male people
  • Group of female people
  • Group of mixed people
  • Group of people of unknown sex
  • Institution