Transaction | Exchange from MON 7

Exchange from MON 7


Charter: MON 7
Type: TransactionType object (9)
Information Status: Primary information

Dating Information: Dated using the Charlemagne (king, no territory) & Indiction dating systems as 11 April 799.

Terms & Conditions

  1. In perpetuity
  2. Full rights


Most of the property given by Mondsee very probably derived from grants in MON 132 and MON 134

Transaction Details 4

Displaying 1- of 4

  1. Agent: Strasswalchen church
  2. Land 170.0 iugerum (located in Strass)
  3. Property: 1 (located in Halsbach)
  4. Property: 1 (located in Langkampfen)
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Associated Agents 4

Displaying 1- of 4

  1. Salzburg, S Peter is Exchanger 1 (represented)
  2. Mondsee, S Michael is Exchanger 2 (represented)
  3. Arn of Salzburg is Exchanger 1 (acting)
  4. Hunric is Exchanger 2 (acting)
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Associated Places 5

  1. Salzburg is Location of transaction (monasterium publicum)
  2. Mondsee is Location of transaction
  3. Strass is Location of possession (locus)
  4. Halsbach is Location of possession (locus)
  5. Langkampfen is Location of possession (locus)