Transaction | Possession from CDL 5:103

Possession from CDL 5:103


Charter: CDL 5:103
Type: TransactionType object (12)
Information Status: Secondary information

Dating Information: Dated (incompletely) using the Charlemagne (Italy), Pippin (Italy), Hildebrand & Indiction dating systems as being between 1 May 787 & 31 May 787.

Transaction Details 2

Displaying 1- of 2

  1. Land: 1, 30.0 modius (located in Pettino)
  2. Land: 1, 150.0 modius (located in Unknown 2720)
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Associated Agents 1

Displaying 1- of 1

  1. Peter is Holder
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Associated Places 2

  1. Pettino is Location of possession
  2. Unknown 2720 is Location of possession