Transaction | Alleged grant from FAR 2:165

Alleged grant from FAR 2:165


Charter: FAR 2:165
Type: TransactionType object (2)
Information Status: Secondary information

Dating Information: Dated (incompletely) using the Charlemagne (Italy), Pippin (Italy) & Indiction dating systems as being before 1 August 801 or 31 August 801.


Farfa claims this grant must be invalidated, since the granter, Perculfus, abducted by the recipient's husband from the monastery, was forced to made it

Transaction Details 3

Displaying 1- of 3

  1. Property: (located in Unknown 2164)
  2. Agent: Unknown, S Peter
  3. House: (located in Rieti)
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Associated Agents 2

Displaying 1- of 2

  1. Pergulfus* is Granter
  2. Anonymous (wife of Ageris 7156) is Recipient
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Associated Places 2

  1. Rieti is Location of possession
  2. Unknown 2164 is Location of possession