Browse | Charters

Charter: MON 136


Classification: Charter
Short Reference: MON 136
Database ID: 96
Editions: MON 136, pp. 114-115

Integrity: Complete
Authenticity: Authentic

Notes: Some abbreviation, as witnesses are summarised as 'Testes multi'; the charter has been copied twice into the cartulary (as no. 16 and no. 136). The version given as no. 136 contains one piece of information omitted in no. 16 and is therefore used here.

Dating Information: It is dated as being between 18 January 748 & 6 July 788.

Dating Notes: no dating elements preserved, but consent of duke Tassilo III mentioned

Transmission information

  • Cartulary copy
    • Main witness used in edition
    • Date: 850 - 899
    • Current Repository: Vienna, Ă–sterreichisches Staatsarchiv

Main Business 1

Displaying 1-1 of 1

  1. Grant involving 5 possessions.

Also mentioned 1

Displaying 1-1 of 1

  1. Grant involving 1 possessions.

Associated Agents 6

Displaying 1- of 6

  1. Swanahild Granter, Spiritual First-Party Beneficiary, Recipient
  2. Mondsee, S Michael Recipient
  3. Sigibert Spiritual Third-Party Beneficiary, Granter
  4. Tassilo III Consenter
  5. Machelm Consenter
  6. Anonymous (homines of Swanahild 1045) Object of transaction
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Agent Attributes and Relationships 3

Displaying 1- of 3

  1. Sigibert is lord (of) Swanahild
  2. Tassilo III is duke
  3. Machelm is count
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Places 1


  • A place on the map
  • Location of Possession
  • Location of Redaction or Transaction
  • All other location roles

Note: Unknown places are not on the map, but included in the list below.

Place Relationships

  1. Haiming is in Mattiggau (territory) [see full details]