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Showing 8 places of which 2 on the map (only displaying places with exact coordinates).

Listing 1-8 of 8 places.

  • Buchonia (wood) (Natural Landmark) Wooded region around northern Rhön mountains in Hesse.
  • Unknown 1714 (Unidentified places) mentioned in WER 3 & 26; located near Alhfridushuson*
  • Unknown 1715 (Unidentified places) mentioned in WER 3; located near Withorpe*
  • Unknown 1752 (wood) (Natural Landmark) today as 'Heisingen' part of the city of Essen
  • Unknown 1866 (Netherlands) mentioned in WER 24 as being located in the villa Salehem*
  • Unknown 1933 (Netherlands) unidentified, but used to be part of Doornspijk
  • Unknown 2486 (Germany) Location of cleared land in DKAR 1:218
  • Werden (Germany) part of Essen; some charters refer to the place as 'Diapanbeci sive Werithina', using the name of a small river (Tiefenbach) discharging into the Ruhr at Werden