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Showing 5 places of which 0 on the map (only displaying places with exact coordinates).

Listing 1-5 of 5 places.

  • Unidentified places (NL) (Netherlands) None
  • Unknown 1706 (Netherlands) mentioned in WER 1, according to Tiefensee the place was later flooded by the Zuiderzee
  • Unknown 1768 (Netherlands) mentioned in WER 9 as a meadow; transacted together with property in Doornspijk and Suifterbant so possibly located in the vicinity
  • Unknown 1783 (Netherlands) mentioned in WER 10 as located in pagus Northtuianti; editor assumes copyist's mistake for 'Thuleri' (Dulder); Orbis latinus identifies Huleri with Heersen (district Limburg) which is however much too far removed from Northtuianti
  • Unknown 1866 (Netherlands) mentioned in WER 24 as being located in the villa Salehem*