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Displaying 1-6 of 6 agents.

  • Benedict Abbot of Farfa (802?-812?). Date of death is normally fixed at 815 (see also Costambeys, Power, p. 162), probably considering the first known year of the abbacy of Benedict's successor, Ingoald. Il Regesto di Farfa, p. 143, says Benedict was the eleventh abbot of the monastery, ruling for 10 years, 5 months and 3 days, and that he died 3 days before the Ides of August ("Undecimus denique huic monasterio pater vir venerabilis Benedictus praefuit annos .X. et .V. menses, diesque .III. Obiit in pace .III. Idus Augusti"). Considering that the previous abbot, Mauroald, is still alive in August 801 (see FAR 2:170), and that on 13th of June 803 Benedict, acting in the name and on behalf of the monastery, receives from Charlemagne a diploma confirming to Farfa all the possessions, his abbacy likely starts from 7 March 802.
  • Betto Abbot of Schäftlarn, later also bishop
  • Farfa, S Mary None
  • Mondsee, S Michael Monastery in Upper Austria
  • Opportunus First abbot of Mondsee (c. 748-c. 784)
  • Schäftlarn, S Denis Established between 760 and 764 on 1 November



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  • Institution