Abbildungsverzeichnis der europäischen Kaiser- und Königsurkunden: Repertory of European royal and imperial charters, with bibliographies and some full texts.
Anglo-Saxon Charters: Pilot project by King’s College London using XML mark-up to annotate pre-900 Anglo-Saxon charters.
Anglo-Saxon Cluster: Integration of four pre-existing projects by King’s College London: E-Sawyer (an annotated list and bibliography of Anglo-Saxon Charters), ASChart (the annotated texts of Anglo-Saxon charters before the year 900), PASE (the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England), and LangScape (the annotated corpus of Anglo-Saxon charter bounds).
ARTEM: Text of original charters preserved in French archives from before 1121.
Becerro Galicano of San Millán de la Cogolla: searchable digital edition of the cartulary for the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla (La Rioja), Universidad del País Vasco.
Bibliographie zur Diplomatik: By Thomas Frenz, includes substantial listing of editions.
Cathalaunia: Collection of texts on early medieval Catalonia, including marked-up versions of a number of charters.
Chartae Burgundiae Medii Aevi: Full-text database of charters from Burgundy (CBMA project description).
CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae: Full-text database of the charters of Cluny.
Charters Encoding Initiative - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: Project group developing a standard to encode charters with TEI.
ChartEx: Charter Excavator: Project developing data mining tools for use on charter texts.
ChLA search: Provides basic details of charters included in the Chartae Latinae Antiquiores volumes.
Codice diplomatico della Lombardia medievale: Electronic editions of eighth to twelfth-century charters from Lombardy.
DEEDS Project: Database of English charters from ninth to thirteenth centuries, plus dating tools.
digitales archiv marburg: Images of Marburg’s collection of royal and imperial diplomas.
Diplomatarium Danicum: Danish charters from between 789 and 1412.
Diplomatarium Fennicum: Finnish charters.
Diplomatarium Norvegicum: Norwegian charters from period 1050-1590.
dMGH: Digital MGH editions, including royal diplomas of many Frankish and German kings.
Éditions en ligne de l'École des chartes (ELEC): Includes digitised editions of cartularies from the Île-de-France and Saint-Denis.
Electronic Sawyer: Digitised version of the standardised reference list and bibliography of Anglo-Saxon charters.
Italia Regia: Diplomi dell'alto Medio Evo per destinatari in Italia: Database of Italian royal and imperial diplomas and placita in seventh to eleventh century.
Langscape: Database of Anglo-Saxon charter estate boundaries.
The Languages of Early Medieval Charters: Comparative study of vernacular usages in Anglo-Saxon and eastern Frankish charters, Universidad del País Vasco.
Lichtbildarchiv älterer Originalurkunden: Database of photographs of original charters from before 1250.
Monasterium: Database of charters from Austria and surrounding countries.
Nomen et Gens: Prosopographical and onomastic database for fourth to eight century western Europe.
People of Medieval Scotland: 1093–1314: Prosopographical database based on Scottish charters.
People of Northern England: 1216-1286: Prosopographical database of the people in the counties of Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland.
Pergamene di Puglia: Project to put images of Puglia’s charters online.
Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England: King’s College London database of all the recorded inhabitants of England from the late sixth to the late eleventh century.
Quellen zur Langobardengeschichte: Includes text of some volumes of Codice Diplomatico Longobardo and Codex diplomaticus Cavensis.
Registers of the Counts of Holland in the Hainaut period, 1299-1345
Répertoire des cartulaires médiévaux et modernes: Database of French and Belgian cartularies, based on the catalogue by Henri Stein.
Württembergische Urkundenbuch Online - Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg: Database of charters connected to Württemberg from 680-1300.