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Displaying 1-6 of 6 agents.

  • Farfa, S Mary None
  • Milan, S Ambrose Founded prior to May 784 by Peter archbishop of Milan (see MDM 28). Institutional and patrimonial continuity with the preexisting "basilica vel cella" (beneficiary of important endowments at least since 777 by Toto from Campione) justify the creation of an unique Agent.
  • Passau, S Stephen None
  • Prüm None
  • Tassilo III Duke of Bavaria (748-788); no precise dates for reign available, but to be narrowed down to between 18 January 748 (death of duke Odilo) and 6 July 788 (forced tonsure of Tassilo)
  • Waltric Bishop of Passau



  • Male person
  • Female person
  • Person of unknown sex
  • Group of male people
  • Group of female people
  • Group of mixed people
  • Group of people of unknown sex
  • Institution