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Showing 2 places of which 1 on the map (only displaying places with exact coordinates).

Listing 1-2 of 2 places.

  • Casaprota (Italy) Location of a farm granted by duke Hildebrand to Farfa in CDL 4a:27. Editor does not attempt to identify. For "Casa Perota" as the modern Casaprota, province of Rieti, see Saracco Previdi (1973), p. 675, n. 383.
  • Les-Oudonnières (France) said in MRH 41 to be situated in the pagus of Angers, modern name provided by Nolden (1997), pp. 276-277; unable to locate on any map so far, but some searches returned a place 'les Bourdonnières' (SW of Mayenne) without any explanation